Tuesday 4 August 2020

Caption text


Definition, Types,Characteristic Features of Caption and function Caption Text

☆ Definition

Caption is a short text consist of additional information which available in the pictures/photos. Usually it’s located below the picture itself.

Caption text used to give further information related to a picture or simply just to decorate it to look better.

☆ There are some types of caption text, here are some of them:

1. Cutline

This caption mentions about who are the subjects in the picture or photos and what activity they do.

2. Identification bar

The caption only mentions about subject in the picture

3. Summary

Full explanation about subject, activity, time detail, location detail and why it’s happened.

4. Expanded

Longer version of summary caption. This also include how the event occurred.

5. Quote

Consist of someone’s word which has been quoted related to the picture or photos.

6. Group Identification

Used to identify when subjects are more than one.

☆ Characteristic of Caption:

• Could be found above, below or beside a picture or photo.
• Giving information about what is the picture or photo about.
• Majority of caption text are short.

☆ What is the caption function?

give meaning to the picture or video to be posted. With an explanation of the picture or video posted will give an idea to the reader about the purpose of your post.
Exampel :

Video : https://youtu.be/wTFkihBRmUQ

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