Toxic air could cut Jakartan's lives by 2.3 years, says EPIC study
Wondering if the severe air pollution blanketing the Jakarta sky might negatively impact your respiratory system? Wonder no more, as a recent study reveals that the city's air pollution may also shorten the lives of its residents by more than 2 years.
The latest Air Quality Life Index ( AQLI ), issued in march by the energy policy institute at the University of Chicago, shows that Jakartans can expect to cut 2.3 years off their life expectancy if 2016 pollution levels are sustained over their lifetime. The AQLI says that air quality was not a pressing problem in Indonesia 20 years ago, but air quality in the country had declined substantially since then. " From 1998 to 2016, the country went from being one of the cleaner countries in the world to one of the 20 most polluted, as particulate air pollution.
Sunday, 12 january 2020